Training at Gulfport CRTC

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Gulfport CRTC offers a variety of vehicles and equipment options to visiting units. Organizations wishing to utilize vehicles and maintenance facilities must first contact the Base Scheduling Office via e-mail at, via commercial (COMM) phone line at (228) 214-6142 or Defense Switched Network (DSN) at 363-6142, to determine availability of vehicles and/or maintenance/training spaces during the desired training date(s).
The Gulfport CRTC Vehicle Operations and Maintenance work center facilitates the deployed training of Air National Guard (ANG) organizations by providing a blue steel training fleet and General Services Administration (GSA) vehicles. Outside of scheduled training events, vehicles may be available to other authorized users. Direct specific questions to the Vehicle Operations and Maintenance Office via COMM (228) 214-6146 or DSN 363-6146.
VEHICLE MAINTENANCE FACILITIES:  Deploying organizations training at Gulfport CRTC may request the use of vehicle maintenance facilities and equipment. Please note however, deploying organizations will not perform maintenance on Gulfport CRTC vehicles without prior approval from the Vehicle Operations and Maintenance Non-Commissioned Officer-in-Charge (NCOIC).
VEHICLE USEAGE AND RESTRICTIONS:  ANG Organizations may utilize the blue steel training fleet vehicles and GSA vehicles free of charge. The expectation is that non-ANG organizations will utilize commercial vendors to contract vehicles to support their training events. Under certain circumstances, Gulfport CRTC may authorize non-ANG organizations to use blue steel training fleet vehicles. GSA vehicle use is restricted to ANG organizations.
VEHICLE PERMISSIBLE OPERATING DISTANCE (POD):  The POD for Gulfport CRTC vehicles is the east and west Mississippi state lines and south of Meridian, Jackson and Vicksburg MS. Requests to operate Gulfport CRTC vehicles beyond the POD must be approved by the Director of Support.
VEHICLE CHECK-OUT/CHECK-IN.  Vehicle Operations and Maintenance office hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 0700-1600. Reserved vehicles are available for check-out/check-in at the date and time stated on the last memorandum provided to the deploying organization’s point of contact (POC). Unless previously coordinated, vehicles are not available for check-out/check-in outside of established office hours.
VEHICLE CONTROL OFFICER/NCO.  Deploying organizations training at Gulfport CRTC and utilizing blue steel and/or GSA vehicles will designate a Vehicle Control Officer/NCO. The VCO/VCNCO will be solely responsible for checking-out/checking-in vehicles; All required vehicles will be issued in bulk to VCO, and ensure all vehicle interiors and exteriors are cleaned/washed and refueled prior to return.
VEHICLE ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES:  Instructions for reporting involvement in an accident are contained in packets inside each vehicle. VCOs are responsible for ensuring documentation of all accidents is complete and returned to the Vehicle Operations and Maintenance Office.