Gulfport CRTC offers a variety of communication options to visiting units. Organizations requiring communication support to facilitate a training event must first contact the Base Scheduling Office via e-mail at, via commercial (COMM) phone line at (228) 214-6142 or Defense Switched Network (DSN) at 363-6142, to determine if desired training date(s) are available. The Gulfport CRTC Communications work center facilitates the deployed training of Air National Guard (ANG) organizations with communication network infrastructure, equipment, and services. Outside of scheduled training events, communication support may be available to other authorized users. Direct specific questions to the Communications Office via COMM (228) 214-6069 or DSN 363-6069. DUTY HOURS. Monday - Friday, 0700-1630. Communications support outside of duty hours is unavailable unless coordinated in advance.
IMPORTANT PLANNING INFORMATION FOR CAMP SHELBY JOINT FORCES TRAINING CENTER The Communications Office DOES NOT have LMRs or VHF frequencies authorized for use on Camp Shelby or its accompanying properties and ranges. Units requiring radios for use on Camp Shelby, or its accompanying properties and rangers, must obtain them from the Camp Shelby Installation Spectrum Manager (ISM). Please contact Camp Shelby ISM for further information by calling (601) 313-1918.